How To Make A Dirt Bike Track In The Woods? [A Complete Guide]

How To Make A Dirt Bike Track In The Woods

Dirt bike riding is a funny and exciting sport. But, to enjoy an adventurous ride, you need a perfect track. It can be very difficult to find a track that is challenging, adventurous, and exciting as well. Because the ideal tracks are most of the time overcrowded or congested, or badly cared for. So most of the bike riders try to find a quiet place that is safe as well as exciting. 

Because of this reason, riders create their dirt bike tracks. In fact, nowadays, most riders prefer making dirt bike tracks in the woods. Even my own experience says that riding in the woods is much more exciting and full of thrills and action than any other track.

By the way, in this article, you will find out the best ways to make a dirt bike track in the woods. So, read out the article and enjoy your dirt bike riding.

7 Steps To Make A Dirt Bike Track In The Woods: The Best Way

Making a dirt bike track in the woods is not an easy task to do. You need to be hardworking and keep your patience to build an exciting track for dirt bike riding. You can follow the following steps to make your riding track in the woods:

Step-1: Get The Authorisation To Make Your Wood Track First

At the very first step, to create your riding track in the woods, you need to keep in mind that the place you have selected to build your track is not a restricted place or a prohibited place for natural people. The best thing is if you have your property or land, there to build a track. Now, for various kinds of tracks, you need various measurements of the land. Such as:

  • To make a short wood track, you should have a place from 2.5–10.5 miles (4–16.9 km) of land.
  • To make a mid-length wood track, you need to have at least 10–14 miles (16.1–22.5 km) of terrain.
  • To make a longer wood track, you should possess 15 miles (24.1 km) or more of land to make a wood track.

After selecting the track, now you need to go to the next step. Make sure your first attempt is executed properly because you don’t want to get yourself involved in illegal matters.

Step-2: Survey The Area And Observe The Potential Wood Track

Explore the surrounding area and ensure that it is not too high and not too low. If you find any unexpected obstructions or barriers which are difficult to remove or which can harm your bike riding experience. Remove the large tree roots, stones, or any obstacles.

If you are not able to walk on the slopes of the earth without friction or gripping, the place is probably too vertical to make a wood track. On the other hand, if this place is not at all down, it should not be a challenge enough for experienced dirt bike riders. So you should maintain the balance to create a complete track according to your taste.

Step-3: Use Pin Flag To Mark The Area

After completing the observation, the first thing to do is to mark the area with some markers. Most of the time the woods are darker places. So try to buy some colorful pin flags so that you can see them from a valid distance. Pin Flags are easy to see from anywhere, but if you have difficulties, you can use anything colorful and easy to mark.

Try to use as many flags as you can afford so that your plan to make the track can be more clear to you. In case of making a loop in the wood track, the first and the last points will be in the same place. Don’t flag the same place twice, rather flag the rounded border of the outer part of your track on all the four corners. This is how you can mark your potential wood track.

Step-4: Clear The Potential Wood Track

Go back to the place, and just mark with PIN flags and remove all sharp, pointed, or loose stones along the way. Use the rake to remove small stones, twigs, or leaves. Make sure that there is nothing on the ground that can damage the tires of your dirt bike and damage yourself.

You can either throw the garbage out of the border without marking the border or load it onto the trailer to get it out of the way later. Early garbage removal will make it easier to demolish the soil over time. So before you establish your ramp, you need to make sure of the safety first.

Step-5: Include Natural Obstacles In Your Wood Track

Before including the artificial obstacles, you need to do the best use of your natural objects. Use natural built-in features before adding performance barriers. Natural obstacles are often overwhelming, and there are often massive trees, boulders, large rocks, bushes, and trees so that you can ride around for an additional challenge. 

To build a dirt jump, use the soil you collected while digging to track. Collect dirt in the desired location, then use a pipe to loosen the top layer of dirt. Use a flathead shovel or rake to pack the dirt down as firmly as possible so that your front wheel does not come out of the dust.

Step-6: Build Some Wooden Ramps If Needed

Naturally, you don’t need to build any extra wooden ramps in the wood tracks if you are already building this in the woods. Still, there might be some cases where you need to put some extra ramps to increase the level of your challenges or to remove your boredom from riding on the same track.

First of all, you need to build the base supports. To build wooden ramps, you need to cut the supports according to your measured heights and widths. You need to calculate the supports according to your comfort zone. Try not to make them too high so that it can hamper your riding, and too low so that it can lessen your excitement while riding.

It is very easy, very fast, and very accurate to use a miter saw to make an angle beyond the bases. If you do not have a miter saw, you will need to weigh carefully and mark your boards to make sure they are cut as accurately as possible. Keep balance in the measurements.

Step-7: Maintain The Track By Checking It Several Times

Check for any fallen branches, and remove layers of fallen leaves or woods. Once the soil has started to erode, take your shovel and pack it again. Mark the starting point with a banner and do the same to the ending point. Try to decorate your ramps with different colors so that they look gorgeous. 

Once the wood track is ready, grab your beloved dirt bike and hit a trail ride. If the first ride is not comfortable, don’t lose hope. Take some time, rethink, try to find out the points where you need to work out, make some newer plans and implement them on your track. Then continue checking the track several times until you are satisfied with your wood track.

Mistakes You Should Avoid While Making A Dirt Bike Track In The Woods:

Making a dirt bike riding track in the woods is not an easy task at all. You need to be hardworking as well as patient to complete every task to make a track in the woods. Try to avoid the following mistakes:

  • Improper Planning and Design: For making a perfect wood track to ride a dirt bike, first of all, you need to make sure that you have an appropriate plan and you have a proper design.
  • Excessive Scope: Try to make your wood track as simple as possible. Don’t use excessive tools and ramps that can harm your dirt bike riding experience. Your safety should be your priority, so choose a wood track that will not be harmful to you.
  • Mistakes in Measurements: While making the tracks, you should be very careful to measure all the structures and supports. Any mistakes in the measurements can ruin all your work.
  • Use of improper woods: Using improper woods can hamper your ramp and damage the whole track. Try to select those woods which are more durable so that your wood track lasts long.

These are the mistakes you should avoid while making a dirt bike track in the woods.

4 Tips That Will Help You To Make A Dirt Bike Track In The Woods:

You need to keep some major things in your mind while making a dirt bike track in the woods. There are some key points to remember in the process that I have discussed below:

Tip-1: Keep An Assistant

Making a wood track is not an easy task at all. So try to keep a partner who can assist you in cutting or chopping woods to make your track. You can take mental and physical assistance from your partner whenever you want. Take the advantage of having a teammate. He can assist you by his physical labor or by providing new ideas in making a dirt bike track in the woods.

Tip-2: Examine The Woods Properly

Always examine the woods that you will use in your track before using them. There can be damaged or affected woods in the bunch. So try to sort out the best woods and throw away the wrong ones. Because a single improper wood can damage all the better woods in your track by affecting them.

Tip-3: Avoid Larger Trees

One thing you must maintain is that you should never do anything harmful to nature. So try not to cut down any bigger or larger trees, rather find your path by ignoring them. Try to organize your track along with those trees, they will increase the challenge for you.

Tip-4: Don’t Work In Rain

Rain keeps lubricating the woods. So if you dig the track in rain, the possibility of damage in the woods increases. Try to make the track when it is not raining. Again the wood becomes more slippery when it rains. So if you work in the rain, it can be dangerous for you to chop or cut the wood with sharp instruments.

So, there can be other practical things you should maintain while making a dirt bike track in the woods, but from my own experience, these are the basic tips I can give you.

Related Questions: 

There are a lot of reasons to make a dirt bike track in the woods. Making a dirt bike track with woods is beneficial in every way. Wooden tracks are cheaper and easier to make than other tracks. 

Riding a dirt bike alongside nature helps to grow your mental and physical fitness. Moreover, if you are a lover of naturally exciting and thrilling rides, riding on a track made of wood is the best option for you.

There are various kinds of woods available to make a dirt bike track in the woods. Riders use softwoods, hardwoods, and engineered woods for making the track.

But in case you have options to choose between woods then as per my experience, I prefer you can choose Pinewoods or Oak woods to make your track. They must be the most common woods in any area. So try to try to depend on the availability. 

If you need to buy newer equipment like shovels, choppers, daggers, or any other instruments like these, it will cost you $550-700 to buy your instruments and make the wooden track for your dirt bike.

And if you don’t need to buy newer items, you just need to spend some money to hire some laborers to assist you which can cost you 250-3000USD. This will not cost much. So try to confine your expenses between the instruments that you already have.

If you are working with your partner, you can make a track within three to four days. But for the lone workers, it may take up to a week or more. Approximately it takes four days if you work for three hours daily.

This depends on various indexes also. The main thing to consider is your skill of time management and how many hours you are working in a day. You need to divide your available times into different portions. Moreover, it depends on the place also.

The possibility of making a wooden dirt bike track on your own depends on your capability. If you are strong enough to do hard labor, you can make the track on your own, but this will be more time-consuming. So it would be better if you find a partner to assist you. 

But if you don’t want to take assistance from anyone, make sure that you have the capacity for all the work done within your compatibility. Remember, everything is possible in this world.

Final Verdict: 

Tracks in the woods are incomparable in every sphere to other kinds of tracks. That is why the tendency of making tracks in the woods has been increasing day by day. Although making a dirt bike track in the woods is difficult as it requires more hard work and patience.

However, I have shared my experience step by step in this article about how to make a dirt bike track in the woods properly. Hopefully, this will enrich your knowledge regarding the process of making dirt bike tracks in the woods. Happy Riding!

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This is Oscar C. Hickerson. I have been biking for 12 years. Now, cycling is not only my hobby but also profession. And as a successful biker, I want to help people like you who want to be a bike. So stay tuned with me. Thanks

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