How To Ride A Four-Stroke Dirt Bike? (Complete Guideline)

How To Ride A Four-Stroke Dirt Bike

Riding a four-stroke dirt bike isn’t similar to the two strokes. In this article, I’m going to present a complete guideline on how to ride a four-stroke dirt bike. This article will make you a pro from the beginner level. So, don’t go anywhere without finishing the entire article at least once.

Ride Your Four-Stroke Dirt Bikes As A Pro (5 Stages)

1. Learn About The Controls Of A Four Stroke Dirt Bike:

First, you should learn how to control the various parts of a four-stroke dirt bike. It is the most essential thing for a learner. For doing that, you must know where all these parts are precisely positioned and how to use them. Below points will explain you in details:

  • Throttle Controlling:

Four Stroke dirt bikes throttle has an accelerator pump carb. If the riders twist the throttle when his/her bike is off, the accelerator pump carb makes sure that the gas will still scatter into the cylinder and drench out the engine. For the four-stroke dirt bikes, the throttle controlling process begins after the starting of the engine.

The grip twists are positioned on the right side of the handlebars. By pressing the grip twists, you can control the RPM. Higher RPM runs your four-stroke dirt bike faster. However, without learning throttle controlling correctly, you cannot move forward with other four-stroke dirt bike riding lessons.

  • Clutch Controlling:

The clutch controls the transmission and the power provided by your four-stroke dirt bike engine. It has the authority to both deliver and take away the power from the engine. The position of a clutch is on the left of the handlebar. For new riders, it’s essential to learn the skills of controlling clutch with the fingers.

  • Front Brake Controlling:

On the right side of the handlebars, you’ll find another lever. From there, you’re able to activate the front gear. For beginners, I don’t recommend relying too much on the front brake. 

Though the front brake stops a four-stroke dirt bike very quickly, at the same time, it increases the risk of falling down, especially during the turns. Therefore, regular practice helps a four-stroke dirt bike rider to gradually improve his/her controlling ability on the front brake.

  • Rear Brake Pedal Controlling:

On the side of your right foot, you’ll get the rear brake pedal. Beginner-level riders should use the rear brake pedal to stop their four-stroke dirt bikes safely. Because it has more stability to slow down.

But the front brake is more effective for a quicker stop. So, you should learn the skills of controlling both the rear brake pedal and front brake to avoid the risk of accidents. And use them according to the situations. 

  • Shift Lever Controlling:

The position of the shift lever is in your left foot side and the front of food pegs. The shift lever helps the rider to find the neutral and shift the gear. Neutral allows you to start your four-stroke dirt bikes, and shifting gear gives you the freedom of changing the speed while riding.

In the next part of this article, I’ll explain how to find the neutral and shift the gear using the shift lever. But, for now, just remember the position of the shift lever in your four-stroke dirt bike. 

  • Kill Switch Controlling:

Kill switches are generally red in color, and you’ll find them on the clutch side of the handlebars. Press kill switches to stop your four-stroke dirt bike when the riding is finished.

2. Learn How To Start A Four Stroke Dirt Bike:

In this stage, I’ll discuss how to start a four-stroke dirt bike. It is needless to say that without flinching, it’s impossible to ride a four-stroke dirt bike. Hence read this part more attentively because from here, our practical learning will begin:

  • Finding Neutral:

From the beginner level, you should learn how to find neutrals. Because it is the most appropriate method to start a four-stroke dirt bike. For finding the neutral, press the shift lever down in full force and then make a half-press up. Doing this continuously until you find the neutral on your four-stroke dirt bike.

But sometimes, finding a neutral is too difficult even for experienced riders like me. When you struggle to find the neutral, then don’t panic. In that situation, get off from the dirt bike and raise it up into the neutral by using your hand. Usually, you’ll find neutral between the half of the first and second gear for the dirt bikes.

Many new model dirt bikes have the particular indicator light to inform the riders whether it is neutral. After finding the neutral, just kick back your dirt bike onwards a bit. Click here to watch how to find neutral for a four-stroke dirt bike.

  • Starting Your Four Stroke Dirt Bike:

A little bit pulled out of the knob on the carburetor is called the choke. When your four-stroke dirt bike engine is cold, then move forward and haul the choke out. As a result, you can quickly start your dirt bike.

Kick starter is another part that you require to use while starting your four-stroke dirt bike. It is positioned on the right-hand side and above the rear footpeg.  It looks like the letter ‘L.’ By putting your right foot on the kick starter, you’ll be able to start the four-stroke dirt bike. It may take a little time, too, for starting. 

I saw that most of the people lost their coolness when they failed to start their four-stroke dirt bikes in the first few tries. Then they got furious and started kicking without any reason. However, it’ll definitely not be a solution.

Don’t be hopeless, follow the right techniques properly to start your four-stroke dirt bike smoothly. For additional help, watch this video tutorial.

3. Learn How Shift Patterns And Clutch Works In A Four Stroke Dirt Bike:

I’ll teach you about the work of shift pattern and clutch for your four-stroke dirt bike in the third stage. At first, be skillful at using both the shifter pattern and clutch, then think about the long ride. 

  • How The Shift Pattern Of Your Four Stroke Dirt Bike Works:

A four-stroke dirt bike generally has a ‘one down five up’ and ‘one down three up’ shift pattern where respectively 6 and 4 indicate speed transmission. Thus, during riding, riders can easily shift their gear. The up means faster, while the downs mean slower.

For example, you ride your dirt bike into the third gear to run it faster, you need to up it into the fourth gear and shift it into the second gear for slowing down. During practice, watch this video to learn how to shift gear successfully.

  • How The Clutch Of Your Four Stroke Dirt Bike  Works:

I’ve already mentioned in this article the position of the clutch and how it works. It has a series of friction plates that separate your four-stroke dirt bike engine from the separation. By realizing the clutch, you send the power to the transmission via these plates. Similarly, when you arc the clutch, then these plates stop sending power into the transmission.

The Clutch is not like a switch. You’ve to learn how to use it perfectly according to the situation. Lots of practice will make you a pro on the use of your four-stroke dirt bike clutch. Here I attached the watch link of using the clutch, it’ll be helpful while practicing.

4. Go For A Ride With Your Four Stroke Dirt Bike:

When you perform all the above three stages well in the practice session and thoroughly know the position of all parts and how to use them, it’s time to go on a ride to boost your confidence level. For the first time riding, I suggest you choose an empty, off-road, or field. Trails also could be a good option for riding your four-stroke dirt bike.

The most important thing for a rider to keep his/her balance during the ride. It could be difficult for a beginner-level rider. For them, my advice is to speed up your dirt bike gradually. This faster moving helps you to keep the body balanced appropriately. However, be careful about the speed, don’t ride too fast.

Start your riding from the first gear and then gradually speed up. If you don’t shift the gear serially, there is a high risk of losing the balance and falling down. In addition, you’ll hurt yourself seriously while falling at high speed. Hence, start with the gear and then serially shift to the second, third, and fourth gear. 

During riding, try to keep yourself calm and relaxed. Make sure that you have full concentration. Then, just ride according to the guidelines that you read in this article. If you feel something is wrong, immediately stop your dirt bike and take a short break. Don’t try to do anything out of the box while riding a four-stroke dirt bike for the first time.

5.How To Stop A Four Stroke Dirt Bike:

There is a famous proverb that, all’s well that ends well, that’s why stopping your four-stroke dirt bike is equally important as starting. By following a few techniques, you can safely stop it after the ride. 

I have already informed you that there are two brakes in your four-stroke dirt bike. One is the rear brake, and the other is the front brake. The front brake is more powerful, while the rear brake ensures stability. However, when you apply the brakes, it shifts the weights forward and limits the wheel traction. This is why your dirt bike stops. 

Use the rear brake if you just starts four-stroke dirt bikes. Always keep trust on the front brake for quick stopping. Be more careful about the use of brakes while taking turns. This tutorial video will be beneficial for you to learn how to stop a four-stroke dirt bike safely by using its braking system.

Last Few Words:

I know, mate, it’s impossible to ride a four-stroke dirt bike by only reading an article. That’s why I found the best video tutorial on four-stroke dirt bike riding. This YouTube video will assist you in learning the stages mentioned above more quickly and safely. 

Don’t forget to update me regularly in the comment box about how your learning is going on. To become a pro person on dirt bike riding, follow my website.


This is Oscar C. Hickerson. I have been biking for 12 years. Now, cycling is not only my hobby but also profession. And as a successful biker, I want to help people like you who want to be a bike. So stay tuned with me. Thanks

3 thoughts on “How To Ride A Four-Stroke Dirt Bike? (Complete Guideline)

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